Prototyp | Michal Trpák



Sea to summit | Michal Trpák

Sea to summit

2024, České Budějovice

Yummy Yummy, Ostrava | 2023

Yummy Yummy

2023, Ostrava

Sochy | Michal Trpák

The sculptures!!!

2022, Ostrava

The Thinker | Michal Trpák

WALLZ no. 3.

2022, Plzeň

40 let fascinace světlem | Michal Trpák

40 years of light fascination

2022, České Budějovice

Artrooms Moravany

Artrooms Moravany

2020, Slovakia


2018, Portugal

Josef Liesler Gallery

2018, Kadan

Ornament není zločin

Ornament is not a crime

2019, Praha

Swept Up

2015, London, UK

Secret Garden Party

2014, UK

Saint Quentin

2018, France

Dialogs of Microcosms

2011, Klatovy

In Situ

2017, Arles, France
